Our Clinicians

The practitioners that began Cielo briought a combined experience of over 45 years to aesthetics…experience that our clients benefited from on a daily basis.  Our goal was to provide every client the opportunity to look their very best.

Things have changed a bit...we've spread out in new directions but continue to partner in support of one another to continue the provision of quality care to our clients.  Cielo has partnered with Arizona Oculoplastic Specialists in Scottsdsale (eyelidsurgeries.com - Ali Ghafouri, MD, who is our medical director), Emerge Skin Spa (Emergeskinspa.com -  Kristina Lee, LE in Mesa), and Health and Wellness Care in Scottsdale (healthandwellnesscare.com -Geri Jones, NP -women's health/functional medicine and bio-identical hormone thereapy).

We pride ourselves on delivering the best outcomes by using the the highest quality products and techniques available.  We are excited to be on the journey with you  on your path toward beauty and wellness!

Why choose us?

  • We believe in creating lasting relationships with our clients, and we listen carefully
  • We don’t have long waits and provide ample time with each appointment to thoroughly educate, review and discuss your treatment plan
  • You want real results in restoring and maintaining your vitality and appearance
  • We have a high client satisfaction and retention rate due to their beautiful outcomes and our customer service
  • We are with you for the entire journey – your satisfaction is our ultimate goal


  • A nurse for over 40 years, Kyle brings over 18 years of aesthetic nursing experience and a wealth of knowledge to Cielo. After adding an aesthetic license to her nursing...

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  • Dr. Ghafouri specializes in ophthalmic facial plastic and reconstructive surgery in Arizona and is the medical director for Cielo Aesthetics. As an oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Ghafouri has extensive experience and...

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